A downloadable Music Memory Game

You were on your way to show the music manager the playlist you had curated, and your files jumbled with your competitors! Be the first to uncover the 5 songs that you had used to make your playlist. Be aware, it's not as easy as it seems!


game cards copy.jpg 816 kB
action cards listed copy.jpg 525 kB
page 4.pptx 126 kB
page 3.pptx 130 kB
page 2.pptx 133 kB
page 1.pptx 129 kB

Install instructions

A Print and Play Memory Game

4 players max

General Rules

Each player should select a playlist to curate from the documents titled 'page x' this sheet will be crucial to the game. the two documents 'action cards' and 'game cards' should be cut out individually. These cards should then be shuffled and placed upside down in the center of the table in no specific order, the more jumbled up they are the better. It is then decided amongst the group who will go first. The first player will randomly select a card from the middle and show around to the other players. If the card chosen is on their playlist, the player is to take that card out of the deck and place it on top of the matching picture on their playlist sheet. This player is then able to select a card again until they find a card that is not theirs.  If the card chosen is not on their playlist then the player will place the card back in the center face down and the next player goes.

Action Cards

Miss A Go Card - The card with the circle and line through. This card means the player next to play has to skip their turn.

Shuffle - The card which has the two arrows intertwining. This card means that the player who has drawn has to move all the cards in the center around. 

Sabotage - The car which has an image of a knife. This card allows the player who selects this card to choose another player, take one of their cards off their playlist sheet, place it back into the middle, and shuffle the center cards hiding that card from the player it was taken from. 

All action cards are only to be used once, once picked up they are taken from the center and put on the side. 

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